Important Announcement

If you can't find the item you are wanting please either ring us on 0113 2811052 or email us [email protected] as we may well have the part in stock but not got round to loading it on to the website.
We have hundreds of parts in stock that aren't on the website yet.
We would also recommend that you check with us before travelling that what you want is actually in stock.

Rubber Inlet Manifold for Dell'Orto 30mm Product Code: RLCX57
Rubber inlet manifold for Dell'Orto 30mm for Casa Performance SS kits SS200 + SS225 + SSR250,suits the following carbs PHBH26,28 AND 30.VHST26 AND 28,MIKUNI 27 AND 30TMX

If using a VHSH 30 then this manifold should be used - ORDER VM28-200